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What is the most durable animal? - The Simulator!

Rhino Beetle Tanks Missles

The animal kingdom is full of all sorts of tanky beasts. From rhinos, to crocodiles, and armadillos there are some animals who's defensive prowess is the stuff of legends. Fantasy Brawls ranks toughness on a few attributes.

  • The animals armor - The amount of pressure from an opposing force the skin or armor plating can take before becoming compromised is ranked on a scale of 1 to 10.

  • The animals stamina - How long an animal can keep the resisting pressure.

  • Armor weak points - The surface area of the armor relative to its weak points are factored into the animals score. For example, the ratio of an alligator's plated skin to its soft underbelly.

With that out of the way, like many of our other simulators, to get started choose two of your favorite animals from the drop down list below. Then, click the Brawl! button to determine which animal is the most durable!

What animal is the most durable?

When it comes to durability, you won't find any tougher hide than that of the unfortunate Rhinoceros. Fully grown Rhinos posses body armor that is around two inches thick in certain areas. But, similar to many other armored creatures, its defense isn't impregnable.

Like the Crocodile and Alligator, the underbelly of the Rhino is not as tough as the rest of the body. And similar to knight's armor, the areas surrounding the joints have thinner skin to allow the massive animal to move. To see how tough your favorite critters are keep on scrolling as I've listed the Internet's highest requested contests below!

Matt Irving is the CEO of Super Easy Tech, LLC.
Matt is the founder of and creator of Super Easy CRM. He is a beast of a software engineer, blogger, and gamer. Feel free to connect on any of the platforms listed below.

Posted by: Matt Irving on 8/27/2024